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[Crack Hackmos_des

Description: 这是一个用VHDL语言实现了DES加密功能的程序,由于DES加密的模式,解密时需把密要倒置-This is a VHDL language with the DES encryption process, as a result of the mode of DES encryption, decryption is required to close to the inverted
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: liyajun | Hits:

[Crack HackDES_Verilog

Description: 这是我用Verilog写的DES加解密程序,准确的说这是一份实验报告,里面不但有程序还有简单的注释[主要是针对仿真的波形的],我主要写的是主控部分,密钥生成部分参考了下版原康宏的程序.该程序即可加密也可解密,选用CycloneII器件即能跑到100Mhz以上.-This is what I used to write Verilog the DES encryption and decryption procedures, accurate to say that this is a test report, which not only have a simple Notes program [is mainly directed against the waveform simulation], I write is the main control part key generation is partly based on the next version of the original Yasuhiro procedures. The program can also be encrypted can be decrypted, CycloneII optional devices which can run more than 100Mhz.
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: jesse | Hits:

[Crack HackDESsuanfa

Description: DES的加解密算法的实现,无错,非常适合毕业设计运用-DES encryption and decryption algorithm, error-free
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: longli | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdes1

Description: 从万方数据库中下的介绍des加密以及解密的两片文章,是用FPGA实现的,pdf格式.希望对理解des加密以及解密的原理有所帮助。 -From the description of the database under the des encryption and decryption of the two articles is the use of FPGA implementation, pdf format. Hope to understand the principles of des encryption and decryption help.
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: chengpan | Hits:

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